Thursday, June 23, 2011

Long time coming!

I should have posted several times by now!  I am a terrible blogger.  We have just had so much going on lately.

I'll start with the biggest news, though many of you have already heard.  Lincoln got adopted last week!  He went to an absolutely wonderful home and joins 2 boxer brothers, ages 13years and 4 years.   I know he will be spoiled there for the rest of his life. I have already had emails from his new "mom" thanking me and letting me know how much they already love him.

His adoption happened very quickly.  We were just 3 days away from leaving for vacation when I got the news that someone was interested.  She had been pre-approved and home checked already.  She came to my office to meet him and asked if she could take him home for the day to meet her other dogs.  With the upcoming vacation, I knew we needed to either act quickly or wait, so I let him go with her.  Knowing Lincoln the way I did, I had no doubt that she would fall in love.  Sure enough.  I got the call asking if she could keep him.  This time, I had to say "no."  Not yet, anyway.  I had become extremely attached to Linc and needed one last night with him.  I needed to say good bye.  She completely understood and returned him to me that afternoon, which was probably a very good thing.  That night, he had a severe allergic reaction to something and I was up all night with him.  He had huge hives and welts all over his body and his face was so swollen he looked like a sharpei!  Luckily, I had some steroids in my drug cabinet.  I needed to monitor him very closely to make sure the swelling didn't move into his mouth or throat and disrupt his breathing.  He slept next to me in bed, with his head on my stomach, as though he had been doing that every single night of his life.  We technically have a "no dogs in bed" rule, so Jonathon joked that Lincoln planned it that way.  By morning, all symptoms were gone. 

I was very hard for me to let him go.  There was just something about that dog.  He totally captured my heart.  He fit in perfectly with our pack.  He was an absolute goof ball, always full of energy and ready to play.  Jonathon and I had said many times over the months that if we could have another (permanent) dog, it would be him.  The only thing keeping me focused was knowing that there was another dog out there waiting for my help.  I cried when he left, more than a little.  I have a feeling, however, that our paths will cross again in the future.

Here are some pictures from the first month or so of our summer...

Check out that beautiful, shiny coat!

Lincoln shares Jax's love of the sprinklers!

They would do this all day if I let them!

This cute little girl is Bliss. She lives next door. Her and Lincoln were the best of pals! 

"Under the Table and Dreaming"    
Such a sweetheart.  He sure loved to snuggle!

We have our fundraiser picnic this Saturday.  We will go with one dog (after last year's fiasco, we realized that crowds are not Dixie's thing and she will sit this one out!) and come home with two.  Our next foster will be meeting us there.  And then it begins again. 


  1. What a sweet boy! I can't believe that's the same dog from a few months ago! You are a miracle worker. I'm glad that he's happy with his new home and can't wait to "meet" your next dog. You know who I hope it is.......:)

  2. Hurray for Lincoln. Look what you did for another nearly lost dog. Not a sign that there was ever a thing wrong with him. These pictures, compared to his first, are amazing. Once again, bless you for what you do. One critter at a time. Can't wait to hear about the next dog who gets lucky enough to be placed in your loving home, gets to experience love and affection for maybe the first time ever and, because of you, gets to live its life in a forever loving home.
