Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Simple pleasures.

( FYI: Jonathon hates the name Ajax, so we now refer to him as "Just Jax"...this is funny if you are a Will and Grace fan like we are)

This weekend, Jax became completely obsessed with a tennis ball.  Pretty simple, but it's a step up from his previous favorite toy...a Country Crock butter tub.  Anyway, he carried it everywhere and entertained himself with it for hours on end.  He invented games like 'put the ball at the top of the treadmill and catch it before it rolls off the end' and 'push the ball under the couch and then cry until someone gets it for you'.  At one point it landed in and became stuck in Jonathon's slipper.  He was frustrated at first, but soon decided that instead of trying to get it out, he would just carry the whole thing around.  We could have helped him I suppose, but it made for some cute pictures so we took advantage of that instead!

You may think that a game of treadmill-tennis ball sounds easy, but obviously it can be quite exhausting...


  1. Schmick would like him to get off so she can go for a jog!

  2. He is so cute, I think he is feeling right at home now:)

  3. OMG! From the first day you got him, I was like, "Cute dog, but what a stupid name. Ajax is an abrasive cleanser!" I didn't want to say anything, even though I also thought, "He's deaf. He won't know if they change his name." And I was riding down to Kato with Mary and Meg, and I said, "Maybe they could change it to just Jax." And Meg and Mary both put up their jazz-hands face frames and said, "Just Jack!"

    So funny.

    And tennis ball games sound very fun. Cute pictures as usual. I will continue to persuade you to keep that poochy!
