Friday, April 9, 2010

Two week update...

Ajax continues to improve.   Now that he so much stronger, he is more of a typical 1 year old boxer.  If you have ever been around a boxer, you know that they have endless energy and tons of mischivous antics!  I have had to move ALL of my house plants out of boxer reach.  My garden has several new holes too (Dixie tought him how much fun digging is)!  Also, that little smarty can open doors.  We actually had to reverse the door knobs of the master bath so it locks from the outside!  We have been introducing him to new people and he is doing great!  He came to work with me twice this week and greeted our employees with tons of tail wags and kisses!  What a turn around!  Two weeks ago, being in a room full of men would have terrified him, now he just loves the extra attention.
He is doing really well with potty training.  Only one accident in 10 days, which was totally my fault.   We have been working on crate training.  It's a real selling point with potential adopters, but can be tough to teach adult dogs to cope with.  He has been staying in my bathroom when we are gone but I'm really getting sick of sharing! I am looking forward to clearing it of dog blankets and toys and putting my own stuff back in!

So far he has learned the signs for "no" and "come."  Although, like any one year old...he doesn't always respond;-) 

Oh, and I'm not one tiny bit attached to him yet.  Who buys that????


  1. He is just SO cute!!!!!!!

    Phoebe also learned how open doors pretty quickly, and we used the same doorknob switching strategy.

    I just want to snuggle that adorable face :-)

  2. Wow - that's so awesome. You guys are doing a great job with him (as I knew you would). He is SO frickin cute!

  3. So happy that your new boy is doing so great. Em is right...who wouldn't want to snuggle and kiss that sweet face? That he's already trusting more people is pretty amazing. The love is working!

  4. That is the adorable face of a happy dog!! Ajax is finally getting the kind of life he deserves and we are so proud of you two for giving him that life.

  5. That is the face of a confident and happy boy!! You guys have done a great job. I am happy not to see his ribs sticking out anymore!!
