Percy will be spending her first Christmas in her forever home! As I expected, there was interest in her right away. I contacted the person on Friday afternoon and by Friday evening, Percy and I were in his living room doing the meet and greet. While I was there, I did the home inspection as well, which he passed with flying colors. She will be getting picked up tomorrow night.
I have rarely seen two dogs come together so perfectly as quickly as Percy and her new "brother" Heath did. He is a two year old male who has rarely socialized with other dogs. Of course that concerned me at first, but the chemistry was instant. The second they saw each other, the chase was on. They wrestled and played for an hour. Although he is at least twice her size, my little tom boy held her own and loved every minute of it. The home is a perfect fit and they are so excited to have her!
Even though I totally expected her to be chosen before he was, I can't help but to feel a little sad for Enzo, who will surely miss his sister terribly. I'm sad that they will be separated, but trying to find a single home for two large dogs is nearly impossible. We can't pass on great homes waiting for something that may never come. They are young and they will move on and be fine. Still, it hurts my heart a little to see them cuddled up on the couch together right now knowing that tomorrow night she will be gone and they will be apart for the first time since birth. We will give Enzo extra attention for a while and he will be happy and loved here until he finds a forever family of his own
Good luck in your new life my little one!
Awwwww. Instead of "yay, Percy!" I feel "poor Enzo". I'm in a gloomy mood though, dog-wise, after good ol' Jersey had a double-surgery yesterday (foot and eye) and is looking quite pathetic indeed. Phoebe was so sad without him all day yesterday. I know dogs live in the moment, but Enzo will miss Percy, for sure. Good thing he has Jax and Dixie to play with until he finds his forever home, too! Oh, and Yay, Percy! :-)