Sunday, December 4, 2011

Meet the twins!

Our newest additions (Yes. That would be plural.) are  eight month old siblings that were seized from their owners in Fort Smith, AR for reason of neglect.  They were very skinny but have improved after being at the shelter for three weeks.  They also have mange, which is why our rescue pulled them.  Mange dogs rarely get adopted from shelters and are therefore usually euthanized to make space for healthy dogs.  The female, Percy, we named after vikings wide reciever Percy Harvin.  He was having a stellar day today as we were thinking of names while watching the game!  She is a beautiful little flashy (white on boxers is called "flash") brindle.  She actually has very little hair loss, just a few small bald areas, but mostly just thinning.  The male, Enzo, was named by Jonathon, after a favorite "Big Brother" house guest.  He is fawn colored and actually reminds me a lot of our last mange dog, Lincoln, whom I was crazy about!  He has lost about half of the hair on his body and will take longer to fully recover.  They have been getting treated for the mange at the shelter for three weeks now, so they aren't obsessively scratching.   In fact, they seem to feel great.  Luckily, they are young enough that they are both heart worm negative.  Hair loss aside, they are absolutely adorable.   They are also very sweet and love to cuddle.

As you can see, little Enzo has suffered in his short life.

If you have never had the experience of smelling mange...consider yourself lucky.  Twice weekly baths are a must!  Lucky for me, he was a perfect angel for his first bath.

Isn't she a beauty? You can kind of see the hair loss on her face and ears.

These are the worst spots on her body.  Somehow she got luckier than her brother.

They have been together since birth and are extremely attached to one another.  They stick together like glue. It's pretty darn cute.  Plus, they keep each other occupied playing so they aren't pestering the rest of us like puppies often do:-)  It would be awesome if they could get adopted together, but the likelihood of that is slim to none.

Clearly they were used to sleeping outside. After playing for hours, they nested up in the flower bed. 

They seemed pleased to have a soft indoor bed of their own.

But by morning, they had joined the other two on the couch.

The plan is to get to the vet this week for mange medications and rabies shots, and set up a time for a spay and neuter.  This needs to be done asap!  If they really are eight months old, Percy could potentially be pregnant already.  I don't think Enzo is "interested" yet, but they were with another dog when taken away.  If she is closer to six or seven months,which I suspect, she could go into heat any time.  No thank you! 

Dogs this young and cute, especially around the Holidays, should be adopted quickly.  It wouldn't even surprise me if Percy had a forever home for Christmas.  Enzo will probably have to stick around a little bit longer while he heals up.  There isn't much interest in a hairless boxer.

To go ahead and answer the question that I am sure I will get, yes.  We still have a three dog policy in house.  Jonathon made this exception because our rescue is overwhelmed right now and had to pull nine more dogs this weekend.  When it rains, it pours.


  1. Les, they are adorable. Congrats on the new babies! Good luck on your next journey. They are very lucky to be in your capable hands.

  2. How adorable! I hope they don't get split up!

  3. Good looking dogs--but you named one after "The Meow Meow?"

  4. Yep. Jonathon has been waiting to use that name ever since. ;-)

  5. I really, really hope they can stay together! It breaks my heart thinking of them being split up. They're both so cute!

  6. I don't know you do this Les, get these dogs back healthy and then see them go, especially two pals like these.
